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Have your say on the placemaking plan

In order to gather feedback, we will collate the comments from various groups using the Design Commission for Wales ‘Wales Placemaking Guide (2020)’, which identifies six key principles that all Placemaking Plans should consider whilst developing the plan.

We have prepared some example questions based on the six key placemaking principles, as well as additional topics such as skills and safety. Please read the placemaking principles and respond to the questions below each.


Walking, cycling and public transport are prioritised to provide a choice of transport modes and avoid dependence on private vehicles. Well designed and safe active travel routes connect to the wider active travel network and public transport stations and stops are positively integrated.

Would you use a new and improved cycle network to travel to/from the town centre?

How do you travel to/from the town centre?

How can the town centre be improved for pedestrians and cyclists?

Do you have any comments or feedback related to Movement?

Any comment related to pedestrian, cycle and vehicle movements, parking, public transport, accessibility.


Places should grow and develop in a way that uses land efficiently, supports and enhances existing places and is well connected. The location of housing, employment and leisure and other facilities are planned to help reduce the need to travel.

How can the town centre better support local housing and employment needs?

How can the town centre better connect to the wider area? e.g. housing and employment areas or local attractions such as: Bike Park Wales and Bannau Brycheiniog National Park (Brecon Beacons)

Do you have any comments or feedback related to Location?

Any comment related to local destinations, connections to local amenities, digital connectivity, inclusive environment, biodiversity, energy efficiency.

People and community

The local community is involved in the development of proposals. The needs, aspirations, health and well-being of all people are considered at the outset. Proposals are shaped to help to meet these needs as well as creating, integrating, protecting and/or enhancing a sense of community and to promote equality.

What kind of skill-learning opportunities should be supported within the town centre for local people?

How could the town centre improve the health and well-being of its residents?

Are there any additional safety measures which could be introduced into the town centre?

What additional community uses or needs could be situated in the town centre?

Do you have any comments or feedback related to People and Community?

Any comment related to health and wellbeing, engagement, sense of pride and community ownership.

Mix of uses

Places have a range of purposes which provide opportunities for community development, local business growth and access to jobs, services and facilities via walking, cycling or public transport. Development density and a mix of uses and tenures helps to support a diverse community and vibrant public realm.

What kind of amenities and provisions would you like to see provided in the town centre? e.g. Spaces for young people

Are there any new businesses or leisure activities that should be located within the town centre that would benefit residents and attract visitors?

Do you have any comments or feedback related to Mix of Uses?

Any comment related to retail offer, food and drink offer, residential units needs, footfall, local services, building form, historical and listed buildings, vacancy rate, building stock quality.

Public realm

Streets and public spaces are well defined, welcoming, safe and inclusive, with a distinct identity. They are designed to be robust and adaptable, with landscape, green infrastructure and sustainable drainage well integrated. They are well connected to existing places and promote opportunities for social interaction and a range of activities.

What kind of activities or events would you like to see happening within the town’s public spaces?

Would you like to see more green spaces within the town’s centre?

Are there any areas within Merthyr Tydfil’s town centre that you feel unsafe in?

Do you have any comments or feedback related to Public Realm?

Any comment related to quantity and quality of public space, outdoor amenities, sport, play and leisure provision, spaces for events and spontaneous social gatherings, parks and green spaces, water management, resilient public realm.


The positive, distinctive qualities of existing places are valued and respected. The unique features and opportunities of a location including heritage, culture, language, built and natural physical attributes are identified and responded to.

What do you think is unique about Merthyr and the town centre?

What kind of skill-learning opportunties should be supported within the town centre for local people?

Are there any town centre heritage sites or buildings that should be preserved and celebrated?

What do you think represents Merthyr’s identity?

Do you have any comments or feedback related to Identity?

Any comment related to sense of belonging/strong identity, strong community, social, cultural and community events, safe and inclusive spaces, local heritage and history.

About you

Your personal information is captured, held and processed by Participatr Limited for the purposes of this project only. Participatr Limited has created and launched this engagement platform on behalf of Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council and The Urbanists, and we collectively make decisions about how personal information is captured, held, processed and analysed, meaning that we are joint data controllers for the purposes of the General Data Protection Regulation.

Your name and email address is used to identify you as a single respondent. Your postcode is used to understand the broad location of respondents and will not be used to contact you in any way. All of your personal information is held in a secure database on a server located in the United Kingdom. For more information about how we use your personal information, please visit our privacy policy.